

Really more of a changelog than a blog, but calling it a blog makes it sound cooler.

Flash Game - Physics! :)

A quick update as to where I'm at - school is starting soon, so I'm not going to be able to put as much work in as I've been doing. As for the game, I ironed out most of the problems with collision detections, so "at least we have that." The glitch where you could double jump through the roof was fixed in the cheapest way possible - if you hit the roof once,…

Flash Game Progress Update

Hi there! The Flash game I promised? It's underway. Until I get a better idea, I'm naming it Escape From The Death Camp 2, after my first game from 6th grade, which... well... let's say I no longer count it as a game. It's more of an experiment, which failed epically. If you want to see it, it's here, but I'm warning you - it sucks. With that being said,…

Blog v2 & Stuff!

That's right! Mere days after releasing my original blog, I've updated it to v2! This update represents a major overhaul, changing the blog page into a series of links (and a snippet from each blog - a huge pain in the butt to set up), and having the actual posts be on a separate holder page that pulls the entry from the database and renders the page on demand. AKA: It's the same…

Navigation Bar Update

Thanskgiving Break! Woot! School is out! We don't have 8 hours of homework! And I'm working on my website again! YAY!Expect tons of changes in the days ahead, but first, I present, a new Navigation Bar! "It looks no different," you may be thinking, and you'd be right. It looks no different. If functions no differently. So what's new? Behind the scenes, everything. See, instead of actually typing out the…

New Blog!

Yeah... After thinking it over, I decided to go with PHP and MySQL, since, you know, why not? It's a new language and something new to play with. I've actually played with PHP and MySQL before, but I got bored before anything interesting came along from that. As for the Flash game I promised, I don't have any ideas. Once I get one, I'll start working on it, but until then,…

A Quick Update

Many things (well, just a few) are happening here at the amazing(ly cr@ppy)! First, a hierarchical redesign is in process. All the filler on the home page will be moved to their respective locations. Next, I'm working on a blog. I'm debating between something with PHP or just static pages (I'm leaning towards static pages right now...). Finally, I just updated to Adobe CC, and with it comes…