

Really more of a changelog than a blog, but calling it a blog makes it sound cooler.

New Game - Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe!

Being finals week, I've done a lot of sitting around in class waiting for other people to finish. One of the past times we've taken up is Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe, so, today, since I had some spare time, I decided to try to program it. I think I did it. Tie detection is still a bit sketchy, and you have to play with a friend - AI is hard to program, okay? - but,…

New Year & The End of Winter Break

Well, it's that sad time of the year again - right after new years, the eve of the last day of winter break. Since spraining my arm last week, I haven't really gotten much done (except a bit of debate - BTW: I was a quarter finalist in NPFD at Laird Lewis 41!), but I thought it would only be proper to end winter break with one last blog post. I'll get around to…